Since shaving all my hair off, figured the site needed a fresh trim too....
I say it every year but this year, I PROMISE to create more frequent and better quality content to my lovely friends and fans. We kick started the year off with the super popular "Power Sessions" - direct from my home studio - long may this tradition continue because we love rehearsing and recording these jams. I will be adding to this playlist as we come up with more ideas.
The Power Trio is my latest vehicle to deliver all things funky to performance spaces near you and we are thirsty boys - is there a venue you would love to see us play? Get in touch and let us know because we wanna hit the road hard this Summer.
Our gigs section goes live next week and we have some bangers to announce. Watch this space.
In the meantime, enjoy the new look, subscribe to this blog along with all my other channels if you want to get involved and I'll be back soon. Honest.
